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Should i use  CRStreamRec or  FFMPEG COPY?

The CRStreamRec Encoder has several advantages. The transmitted stream is copied directly into the TS file, it consumes fewer resources, can be terminated without problems, and the recording windows are hidden and do not interfere. The conversion to mp4 takes place only after the recording.

The FFMEPG Copy Encoder converts each recording directly into an mp4 file, windows must be visible to control them, video optimisation already takes place during recording, consumes more resources and must be terminated properly.

For recording and viewing the recordings, the CRStreamRec is recommended. If you want to edit individual videos and only record manually, then the FFMEPG Copy would be better.

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• A filter has been added to the “Show all” action. You can select from which side the channels should be displayed. This only affects the hidden channels.
• The stream preview size can be customized. There are 3 different sizes to choose from. Restarting the CamRecorder after the changeover.
• Flirt4Free works again. The files are converted into mp4 files after recording.

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Internal video player

XstreaMon brings its own video player. If the internal player is selected in the program options, it will be started with every video call from XstreaMon. Several players can run at the same time. When opening from XstreaMon all displayed files are transferred as playlist to the player.
The player is kept simple and has the necessary functions to enjoy the videos. It has a full screen mode so that nothing disturbs. A zoom function completes the functionality of the player. The zoom factor can be determined via the slider in the lower bar. This can also be done with the mouse wheel. In zoom mode the video can be moved. Click into the video, keep the left mouse button pressed and move it to the desired position.

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Due to the conversion of the preview data, it may take a little longer for the galleries and the model view to load. All video files are recaptured. This action is performed only once. The new vdb files are created after the capture.
The vdb files contain the preview images and information about the capture.
The vtn and thb files are no longer needed and can be deleted.

• CamRecorder no longer converts the current recordings when exiting. When the recordings are to be ended, no post-processing takes place. When CamRecorder is restarted, the pending conversions start.
The maximum number of conversions to another target format can be set. The recordings to be converted are put into a queue and then converted if fewer conversions are running than are specified in the maximum number.
• CamSoda works again after the website change
• A slider for the zoom function has been added to the player
• for the video preview there is a new tile view and the timeline shows the whole period of the video.

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• A playlist has been added to the internal player. All videos that are displayed when called up are loaded into the playlist. When the video is finished, the next video is played automatically.
• The recordings can be saved in the desired format (like sent, mp4). The settings for this can be found in the channel settings. The conversion to the desired format is done after the recording if another format was sent.
• Bongacams recognizes the channels again when you create them
• The video preview has been reworked. Loading the galleries is much faster and the preview of the video works better. When the mouse pointer is on the video image, the video preview starts after 1 second in 1 minute intervals and when the mouse pointer moves over the preview band, the video preview is loaded at that point. With a double click in the video tape the video starts in the internal player at the selected point.

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CamRecorder Version

• If there are too many connections to Chaturbate, CamRecorder will pause polling the profiles for 30 seconds. After that, the profiles are queried again in the next cycle.

• The record button in the preview is only displayed if a valid M3U8 file can be queried. If it does not appear it can have several reasons (too many requests, no running stream, no public stream).

• If a profile has blocked a region, Chaturbate can still show the stream preview. There is a small icon in the stream header which indicates the block.

• Problem with Stripchat where the M3U8 file is saved as mp4 file is fixed.

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CamRecorder Version

• A few minor changes in online verification and admission behavior
• Problem with too many queries on Chaturbate has been optimized. If too many requests are made, the stream can no longer be queried. The server then rejects the requests. The channels are then displayed online and also in the preview. But the recording does not start. After a few minutes it should work again. Deactivate channels that are no longer needed. This means that they are only queried every 4 hours whether they are online.